Kids love trading cards. So why not invest in trading cards that will not only be fun to play with parents and friends, while adding EDUCATIONAL VALUE (“EduGaming)!! Monsterz Trading Cards and our Free Mobile GameS (on iPhone & Android) will help them want to play and study math and reading. Order our 1st Edition Monsterz Trading Card Game Starter Pack now. This 1st Ever Collector Edition Starter Pack comes complete with everything your child needs to play including:
- 14 Monster Cards (see samples below)
- 2 Super Power Cards
- 2 Challenge Cards
- 1 Play Mat
- 1 Set of Damage Counters
- Game Play Instructions
- Discounted Price: 2 packs for $8.99 to play with your kids, or 1 pack for $4.99 thru December 25th (excluding tax & shipping).
Below are a few of the cards (we can’t show you all of the secret Monsterz).
The mobile game allows players to Practice their reading & math, and to Play with friends, parents and teachers. Below are a few screenshots of WordMonsterz and MathMonsterz.